
Whenever the industry reflects needs for productivity gains, quality improvements, improved working conditions in terms of safety and ergonomics, Fluidotronica can help.

Whenever the industry reflects needs for productivity gains, quality improvements, improved working conditions in terms of safety and ergonomics, Fluidotronica can help.

Its line of action is based on the trade of products and systems with quality, supported by the technical knowledge and applications of several years of experience.

We firmly support our customers in the selection of the products most suited to their needs, in the development of their projects and in the offer of specific equipment, always attending to the trinomial quality / price / delivery period.

When marketing these products is not enough to meet customer needs, root systems are created in a partnership attitude, which facilitate the functionality of the industry in general. To do so, the services provided range from process study, mechanical and electrical design development, machining, programming and electrification to final assembly and testing. This is the so-called turn-key solution.

Fluidotronica, aware of the current economic situation and situation in the country, aims to improve its export performance over the next few years. At this moment the company already has an export volume to the Community market with interesting levels, intending in the coming years to maintain this flow, while simultaneously seeking to take the first steps in alternative markets, so as to be prepared for any further break that comes To be felt in the European market.

At this moment, despite having a great concentration of activity near its headquarters, in Ul - Oliveira de Azeméis, it is possible to find clients of Fluidotronica throughout the country and even distributed by countries such as: Germany; Brazil; Cape Verde; Slovakia; Spain; France; Netherlands; England; Italy; Poland; Czech Republic; Russia or Turkey.




To contribute to the continuous effort of modernization and affirmation of the Portuguese Industry through Automation and Robotics and to release people to work on activities of greater valorization and personal fulfillment.


To be the best within the smallest

In the universe of the market, in which it operates (VN <15M €), to be the largest and most profitable (EBITDA> 20%), maintaining itself as one of the 3 best companies to work for, an effective School of Robotics and Automation.



. Ownership: I assume my duties with a high sense of responsibility and commitment, watching over the good of my colleagues and the Organization as a whole.

. Respect: My freedom ends when it collides with the freedom of others.

. Performance and Empathy: My behavior and quality of my work impact the quality of work and the happiness of my colleagues and our customers.


. Continuous improvement: I am not better than others, but through a critical and dynamic posture, I try to be better today than yesterday. As a person, as a professional and as a colleague.

. Flexibility: I realize that I only evolve if I leave my comfort zone and accept change as a way to improve people, products and processes.


. I look for Knowledge as a pillar of development on which my future as a person rests, as well as the Mission of the company.

. Action: I realize that Knowledge is only strength if it is applied to present solutions.

. Consistency: I do not accept, and I will never give 'I don't know' as an answer! There are only 2 alternatives: 'I know' or 'I'll know it’!


. I understand work as a source of happiness because it allows me to develop my skills and to contribute to a common purpose, ensuring not only a pleasant and relaxed, but also a professional, demanding and respectful work environment.


And above all PASSION in everything we do!

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