Easily create security protections for machines and robots with the help of MiniTec.
The safety of your employees, equipment, and work environment is crucial and needs to be ensured by products and systems with a proven track record of safety and reliability. Here at MiniTec, our machine and robotic safety components are certified according to the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 18001) and can help you create the protective guarding, environmental enclosures, and custom fixturing you need to house and contain any of the potentially dangerous machinery or processes within your operations.
Our installations are designed to meet rigorous safety standards as well as visual appearance requirements. We offer a wide variety of safety products to integrate into your design such as ReeR light curtains, Numatics safety valves and zoned safety Fieldbus electronics for various protocols, Pizzato safety switches, and Nexen rod locks. Our systems have proven reliability and durability, are easy to install and can be custom designed to meet your exact specifications.