Fluidotronica distinguished by Top Exporta 2013.

It was attributed to Fluidotronica the title " TOP EXPORT 2013 " by Santander Totta . This seal is an initiative to promote and encourage export and internationalization of Portuguese companies , prepared by Santander Totta based on data provided by D & B.

The Top Exports is an acknowledgment that the SantanderTotta and Informa DB attach enterprises ( SME ) exporters. It is a recognition of merit , which the Fluidotronica to all employees , customers , suppliers and business partners . To all , our thanks!

The preparation of the rank of exporting firms resulting from the application of a rigorous methodology for analyzing data from the D & B and is based on the performance of the same according to a set of quantitative economic and financial criteria . All values refer to individual accounts 2012 and 2011 , published in IES - Simplified Business Information , as of July 15, 2013 and available in the database of D & B. Is not taken into consolidated financial information . Export figures used refer to the sales and services to foreign markets (market community and extra -community ) .

The rank of the Portuguese exporting is made up of all large, medium and small enterprises of the Portuguese private sector and export in 2012 and 2011 . Are not considered companies based in the free zone of Madeira and branches of companies .

Its export profile is defined by the size of the export volume of exports or the representative in your business .



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