Fluidotronica honored again as an PME Excelência.

It is with great pleasure that Fluidotronica reports that reached the "PME Excelência" (SME Excellence) again, this time for the year 2013. Thanks to you, Fluidotronica integrates a selected small and medium enterprises, which showed the best performance and management indicators, in the context of the national business group structure.

The public presentation of the companies with this distinguished PME Excellence 2013 held on 6th February in Europarque in Santa Maria da Feira. This event was attended by the Minister of Economy, António Pires de Lima, among other important figures of the corporate landscape.

Fluidotronica have only to thank all its customers, suppliers and employees for their cooperation toward success that achieved this reputation instrument created by IAPMEI to recognize the best performances in various business sectors.

What is "PME Excelência" (SME Excellence)?

The "PME Excelência" (SME Excellence), it is a business qualification status created by IAPMEI (Institute for Support to Small and Medium Enterprises and Innovation) in order to signal through an instrument of reputation, the merits of small and medium enterprises with superior performance profiles .

These are companies that have the financial strength and profitability ratios above the national average, which has successfully maintained high standards in a particularly competitive and demanding environment that are overcoming the crisis with growth, consolidation of results, and active contributions in the creation of wealth and employment in the regions where they operate.



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