MINITEC's Protection Structures.

Do you need a structure to protect your workplace?

With the help of MiniTec's aluminum profiles, you will be able to develop a simple, adjustable, customized, quick, and effective solution:
Whether you need Protection Structures, Hygiene Stations or Workstation divisions or other types of structures, FLUIDOTRONICA has the solution for you!
You can count on a standard range from FLUIDOTRONICA or have a customized solution, according to your needs. CHECK IT WITH US!

Protection Structure
Protection structure used for offices, restaurants, and stores. This structure offers effective protection against infections for your own team and for customers. Composed of aluminium profiles and an inserted polycarbonate plastic panel, the structure is quickly and easily installed and ready to be used in the desired location.


Physical Barrier of Mobile Hygiene
For use in more crowded areas, such as waiting rooms, reception areas or even production rooms, this physical barrier of mobile hygiene is the ideal solution to protect customers and employees against viruses. Thanks to the wheels, the hygienic protection barrier can be easily moved from one place to another and is therefore always ready to be used in the desired location. As the wheels can be locked, the hygienic barrier can be placed securely in the desired location.


Support for Hand Disinfection
With the support for hand hygiene and disinfection, you can always place the disinfectant where necessary. Whether in the entrance area, at the workplace or in front of the entrances, this solution is very useful to help with hand hygiene and protects customers and employees. Made with our aluminium profiles, the construction is extremely flexible, the disinfectant dispenser can be attached at any time.






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