NOTICE – Updating Measures (COVID-19).

Dear Customer and / or Supplier,

FLUIDOTRONICA keeps on its contingency plan aimed at preventing and mitigating the risks
associated with the spread of the new COVID-19 virus to protect all its customers, suppliers, and

We have been observing that the epidemiological situation of the new virus in Portugal has
shown some signs of stabilization. Although the situation of Public Health is far from being
solved. Despite this, it is important that we all return to a normal working life as soon as possible
and it is urgent to ensure the stability and normal functioning of our work activity in
collaboration with our partners.

Therefore, with effective implementation on September 1,
2020, Fluidotronica reassessed the operational measures and informs that:

A) The opening hours will be as follows: 08:30 - 16:45.

B) Customer and supplier access to Fluidotronica facilities will be available, namely for holding
meetings, visits, monitoring projects or others, always with the application of safety measures
by using a mask and hand hygiene.

C) The visits of our commercial teams will return to normal. However, we will turn to the
alternatives offered by technology and thus provide you with all our support (videoconferences,
mobile devices, email, telephone contact, etc.) in all situations where security cannot be

D) Interventions at the national and international customers’ facilities will be carried out with
due normality (always observing the instructions of the various competent authorities).

E) Our MTC testing centre will remain active, within certain limitations to be established on a
case-by-case basis. Please contact us for more details.

F) All other means of regular contact with Fluidotronica are kept in normal operation, namely
email and telephone lines.

G) Receipts and / or shipments of materials, until otherwise indicated, maintain their normal
processing / operation, being conditioned only to external factors to Fluidotronica, namely
those resulting from the eventual closure of borders or measures limiting the transit of goods.

Any exception to the measures described above, must be duly agreed, and authorized by the
Fluidotronica management.
We are fully convinced that these measures will allow us to maintain the proper functioning of
our working activity, preserve the safety and well-being of all.
Thank you for your understanding and full collaboration.

Yours sincerely,
Fluidotronica Management



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