Positioning system HDU 12.

Mechanical lifting/rotating unit with two profile rails. High Torque capability by use of four runner blocks. The power is transmitted by an internal toothed belt.
Repeating accuracy:
± 0,1 mm
v ≤ 1 m/s
Combined lifting-/rotating- unit consisting of two rigid lightweight aluminium profiles and 2 ball rails size 12 - this combination keeps the masses low. The lifting motion is achieved through a backlash-free pre-tensioned belt.
The rotating motion is realized by a small servo motor on the backside of the guide body profile. An additional bearing protects the motor from axial forces. 4 bores in the carriage are used for mounting the unit.
Fitting position:
As required, max. 400 mm
Carriage mounting:
4 bores in the carriage
(e.g. gripper) Rotary flange
Belt type:
HTD 3M12 reinforced with Kevlar
Carriage support:
Ball rails size 12