Technical cleanliness.
Technical cleanliness in assembly processes is becoming increasingly more important. There are numerous reasons: Apart from optical reasons, dirt particles impair the hygiene and functionality.
Requirements for technical cleanliness in automated screwdriving and feeding processes move thus into focus. We consider the four main factors that may influence technical cleanliness in screwdriving processes: the fastening element, the work piece, the screwdriving system and the screwdriving environment.
Depending on these factors, as well as customer requirements, we design the screwdriving system individually for our customers.
Sectors where cleanliness is crucial
. Medical technology
. Pharmaceutical industry
. Automotive
. Electronics
. Aviation
Why is cleanliness important?
. Hygiene
. Functionality
. Optical appearance
Components and factors requiring cleanliness
. Screw
. Work piece
. Screwdriving system
. Environment
Components that increase Technical Cleanliness in the screwdriving process (see below)